Please select the state where you serve or work primarily. If you are a therapist who is licensed in multiple states, you will have an opportunity to add your registration in multiple states.
Please select the option that best describes your professional role in mental health.
Mental Health Professional
e.g. psychiatrist, psychologist, licensed professional counselor, clinical social worker, or marriage and family therapist
School Professional
e.g. school or university counselors referring students to out-patient mental health providers
Allied Health Professional
e.g. primary care physician, nurse practitioner, health system associate, case manager, senior care coordinator
Which role should I choose?
If you see patients for outpatient therapy, and also may help clients connect to therapists, please choose Mental Health Professional.
If you are using Consult List to help professionally connect someone to therapy (i.e. you are a case manager or physician), but do not offer regular therapy sessions, please choose School Professional or Allied Health Professional. Allied Health and School Professionals have the ability to create requests, but cannot review cases seeking consultation.
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Please register using your work email.
Passwords are required to contain 8 or more characters, including a capital letter and a non-alphanumeric character.
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